You have either followed your curiosity or came across this site by chance - it does not really matter all that much - I am simply happy that you dropped in to say "hello". This site is primarily aimed to reach the non Indian reader in the hope to wet their appetite to read about my Beautiful South India, Kerala - the land of Coconuts and especially my city Cochin. And for Keralites abroad I hope you too will find some subjects to suit your own tastes. I will also try to entice you with recipes for some of the delicious food of this region. But not only that, I will tell you about my birth country Germany and especially the country, which our family has fallen in love with, a long long time ago and draws us back for visits again and again at least twice a year – Italy! I hope you like what you see and read so far and as time goes by you hopefully will find subjects which interest you, whoever and wherever you are in the world. So, come back to me from time to time. And, please, be generous with your praise and fair with your criticism.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A new beginning!

Hi, Fellow Bloggers

With trepidation I just opened my first account. Since I am a complete novice to all this, it will take some time for me to learn and get used to this way of writing. So, if anybody out there by chance should read this, please be patient with me, dont write me off right away as a fool, give me a little time. First, I will have to learn how to upload any photographs - my passion, photography (after "the love of my life", of course !!!) We both write, my photographs go with his articles (travel and profiles) - . So what is the purpose of this blog, you may well ask? We will see as time goes on and how things progress - initially it started out as a simple idea to write about this part of the world through a european eye, living here and not really wanting to live anywhere else now, despite all the ups-and-downs.

To the possible rare species of you who actually read this - please just say "hi" - so that I know there is life out there after all. Thanks - and maybe you even like to come back one day, when I hopefully make more sense.

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